Shocking Water Filter Review & Comparison: Berkey, Doulton, Reverse Osmosis, etc.

Authorized Berkey Dealer: After over two decades and $1,000 in cost buying, using and testing water filters I share my experiences and recommendations on water filters. I review the pros and cons of several water filter and purification systems including Berkey, Doulton, Reverse Osmosis, Monolithic, Just Water, Zen, and Ceramic Candle water filters. What you hear and my recommendations might just shock you. DECEMBER 2012 UPDATE: This was a personal message sent to me, ““True story :Berkey sent my unit 2 years ago a full berkey setup for a roaving camp “near iran“ snipers/SF mostly. Used NOTHING but the berkey for 2 years. Put the most discusting water with slight radiation and horrid chemicles in it. Worked 100% every samples to our water treatment the sh@@ out of them. LITERALLY we ran our berkey 24/7 .Never had one medical issue related to drinking the water. That crown is still in the field today. I am home now with a big it.“ The
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