3D Printed Imperial Guard: Modern Solutions for Catachan Problems! [How I Paint Things]

It’s fair to say the plastic Catachan kits are a little dated. The first plastic options for Imperial Guard players launched more than twenty years ago, and they’re definitely showing their age now! Catachan armies are still excellent in Warhammer 40,000 though - what is a budding Catachan Colonel to do when they want a good-looking army on the table? 3D printing is one choice! After accounting for resin, electricity, replaceables like FEP sheets and resin cleaner (if you’re not using water washable resin) an individual 28mm infantry figure still comes in at around 24-32 cents. That doesn’t take into account the cost of the printer or STL files, but the same as one doesn’t count the cost of a rulebook against plastic infantry kits, those are one-time outlays which will yield consistent returns. If you buy a $5 STL file and print one miniature, then sure, it cost you $5. If you need more than one officer in your Guard army... you get the idea! Check out t
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