【4K】Walk along the Arbat in cold weather | Walking in Moscow, Russia

In this walk we will visit one of the most famous streets of Moscow - Arbat. The walk starts from Trojanskaja lane to Gogolevskogo Boulevard. The history of the street: Arbat street appeared in the XIV - XV centuries, it was the road to Smolensk. In the sources, it was first mentioned in 1493, when a fire broke out in the Church of Nikola on the Sands from a candle left there, which burned almost the entire capital. On the Arbat and in the surrounding alleys in the XVI - XVII centuries there were various settlements, and in the next century this area became one of the most aristocratic in the city. In the first half of the XIX century, luxury buildings in the Empire style, very popular among the Moscow nobility, appeared on the Arbat. The great Pushkin lived in house 53 after his marriage to N. N. Goncharova. In the second half of the XIX century, many houses on the Arbat passed to merchants, and the street became a commercial one. In those years, it was noisy and crowded. I
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