Gilead – In Taberna (Thousand Times 2015)

In Taberna (lat. «in a tavern») – one of the most renowned medieval drinking songs, which was written in Latin around 1160 A.D. The actual author is not identified but the song is rumoured to be created by certain students who were used to drinking after tiresome studies. It is also the 196th song in a compilation of poems named “Carmina Burana” and, what’s more, one of the hoary medieval ”old chestnuts”, sung by everyone. The lyrics tell us about tavern broad mirth, games of chance and drunkenness. The narrative is being told on behalf of the storyteller and consists of several parts: introduction, description of a dice game, fourteen toasts, including toasting prisoners, Christians, whores, outlaws and the Pope. Further, we see the enumeration of 26 different estates, occupations, ages and characters of typical tavern folk. The conclusion mentions squalor and decay of drunkards, though it implies that these are the precise reasons why they would be counted among righteous men. The melody: “A Que Por M
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