Is the Create male, female or non-binary? What is the basis of the binary relationship between the Creator and the creature, and how is it expressed in reality? How do Kabbalists describe the Creator’s gender and the changes the creation goes through to become similar to the Creator? Despite the apparent differences in gender in our world, what is the ultimate destiny of all individuals in relation to the Creator, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Is the Creator male, female, or non-binary, perhaps? These would be the most blasphemous questions in the world if they weren’t suggested by the holy texts themselves. Now, Kabbalists apparently are those who reveal the Creator and thus can let us know if it’s a he, a she, it, or what. As I said, there are holy texts written by Kabbalists, meaning those who attained the Creator, suggesting all of the above. But the Creator turns out to be one of these and not all of them. At the basis of creation is this binary relationship between the Creator and the creature, between him and us. This binary relationship, at the basis of reality, is expressed in every cell in us, each of which has an imprint or barcode or fingerprint identifying whether it belongs to a male or female biological body. Like a light switch that has to be either on or off, every male body is made of cells with a male genome: one X and one Y chromosome. Every female body is made up of cells with two X chromosomes. The genitalia is merely the final surface expression of about 32 trillion cells carrying one sex or the other. Although there are exceptions to every rule in nature, this general state of affairs expresses a projection of the relationship tip between the one who created all of reality and that reality itself. We see this division also expressed in atoms, with the charged particles being either positive or negative, in the electrical states of the surface of the cell membrane, and the nanoparticles giving it this charge. In the sequence of zeros and ones building the images on your device’s screens right now, the pixels of our lives are projected from a deeper layer of reality composed of reception and bestowal. And with the most profound attainment of reality, we discover that reality itself is divided into revelation—the part we can see and feel—and concealment—a part of reality that we cannot. So what about the creator of this reality? Is it a he after all, like the Torah suggests, or is it a she, like the Zohar suggests when it says that we need to pray to the upper force called the Holy Shekhina, which implies female? But Kabbalists also tell us there’s a single Creator, so it can’t be female or male. So maybe it’s gender fluid.
So what’s going on here? Kabbalists describe the binary system as the basis of reality and the changes that the desire, the creation that was created, goes through as it becomes similar to the upper force that created it? That upper force is male, but male here is just code for bestowing positive, while the female force is code for the minus, meaning the receiver, the one who receives all the benefit. The Creator is always male because he’s the pleasure tower, he is the giver, and we are the ones whose destiny and ability only have in it the ability to receive. But we can start to receive in a form that is similar to the giver. Our future forms, in which we are already in equivalence with the Creator, because he wants to give, we want to give to him, and in order to give to him, because all he wants is to give, we have to receive. We have to receive all of the goodness. So those future forms where all of reality is rolling up like a carpet in greater and greater levels of connection, this upper state that we attain is called the Holy Shekhina.
When we look at the books of the wisdom of Kabbalah, such as the Zohar, and it says, “Pray to the Holy Shechina,“ it sounds like maybe that’s the Creator, and Shechina is female, so perhaps the Creator is female. But actually, what it means is try. This is called the prayer to attain your way into this beautiful connected state that is called an upper state, a holy state, in which you are bestowing like the Creator. You are a partner with him while still retaining this binary relationship with him, where you are the receiver, he is the giver. But you receive in the form of bestowal, you receive in order to give back to him. So despite what we see in our world, for example, that I’m a male, it turns out that relative to the true reality, relative to the Creator, all of us, whether male, female, or something in between, were all actually giving, because no matter what we look like in this world and no matter what actions we’re doing in this world—giving, receiving, and so on—in the end, our destiny is to receive all of the goodness from the one who bestows it to us, who is the Creator, and who, thus, in Kabbalistic language, is called male.
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