
was so completely tired yesterday i was almost passing out and drifting off in any small moments of free time to myself and the surprising thing was that i kinda actually find the delirium sleep brings to be kind of enjoyable.. its strange it separates my logical and silly minds with surgical precision, i am almost completely aware of my actions and mental state but my silly mind makes a hostile takeover and i cannot help but stumble and fumble a bit and laugh a lot more at a lot less funny things. my logical mind is a passive observer, consulting my conscious by revealing to me how utterly silly i look but those complaints go completely unheeded by the silly and open and delirious and giddy and emotive side of me which is revealed through a lack of sleep i think i love you sleepyhead me but it feels so good to sleep i hope you understand 😪 i will learn from you, thaanks! it was fun having you around!
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