Heilung - Krigsgaldr

What am I supposed to do If I want to talk about peace and understanding But you only understand the language of the sword? What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall But you only understand the language of the sword What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace But you only understand the language of the sword I let the blade do the talking So my tongue shall become iron and my words the mighty roar of war Revealing my divine anger’s arrow shall strike All action for the good of all, I see my reflection in your eyes But my new age has just begun, the sword is soft In the fire of the furnace, it hungers to be hit And wants to have a hundred sisters In the coldest state of their existence They may dance the maddest in the morass of the red rain Beloved brother enemy, I sing my sword song for you The lullaby of obliteration So I can wake up with a smile And bliss in my heart and bliss in my he
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