Coding Adventure: Ant and Slime Simulations

A small exploration of an algorithm inspired by ants, and some little experiments into simulating some of the behaviour of ants and slime moulds. I hope you enjoy! The slime simulation project files are available here: If you’d like to get support the channel, and get early access to future projects, you can do so here: Links to some learning resources and cool videos / projects: Slime pattern paper Slime write-up and cool examples Ant simulation video by Pezzza Slime video by Deep Look Physarum project by Michael Fogleman Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:17 Traveling Salesperson Problem 1:36 Ant Colony Optimization 4:37 Creating a Visual Ant Simulation 9:15 Unleashing the Ants! 10:16 Side-tracked by Slime 14:07 Single Slime Experiment 16:02 Multiple Slime Species Music: Forest Overture by Yehezkel Raz Honey Bee Waltz by Kadir Demir Newborn by Roie Shpigler Joking by Kadir Demir Joyfulness by Kadir Demir Wakeup Call by Ran Raiten Anthill by Kadir Demir Synesthesia by Michael FK A New Horizon by Cloud Wave Selfless by Eleven Tales Reel by Anbr
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