Frequent Flyers Project #3 - Paragliding in Namibia

Namibia was the last stop on our paragliding journey. It had been my longtime dream to visit this beautiful country: the red sand dunes, the dead trees, the unique cultural atmosphere and people in Southern Africa, the amazing sunsets, and the incredible wildlife that lives there. Our idea was mainly to fly on the west coast. By chance, we met Axel Gruber, a local pilot who flies in Swakopmund. Axel knows the area really well, and he kindly drove us from spot to spot. --- UPDATE --- 1 - Flying at Sesriem/Sossusvlei is now officially regulated. Please ask at the entrance before trying to fly there. 2 - Flying at Sandwich Harbour is now forbidden, due to a conflict with low altitude flight of Cessnas transiting between Big mama and Walvis bay. -- FOLLOW ME --- WATCH THE OTHER EPISODES Paragliding in New Zealand: Paragliding in Nepal: https
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