Monument to former commander of 62nd Army during the Battle of Stalingrad, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov

Monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, former commander of the 62nd Army during the Battle of Stalingrad, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov in the city of Volgograd. On Vasily Chuikov Street in Volgograd, not far from the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum, on May 7, 1990, a monument was unveiled to Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, commander of the 62nd Army during the Battle of Stalingrad. Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (1900 - 1982) - from 1942 to 1946 - commander of the 62nd Army (8th Guards Army), which distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. V.I. Chuikov was given the task of defending Stalingrad at any cost. The front command believed that Lieutenant General Chuikov possessed such positive qualities as decisiveness and firmness, courage and a wide operational outlook, a high sense of responsibility and awareness of his duty. The army under the command of V.I. Chuikov became famous for the heroic six-month defense of Stalingrad in street battles in a completely destroyed city, fighting on isolated bridgeheads, on the banks of the wide Volga. In Stalingrad V.I. Chuikov introduces close combat tactics. Soviet and German trenches are located at a grenade throw distance. This complicates the work of the German aviation and artillery, they are simply afraid to hit their own. Despite the fact that the superiority of the Germans in manpower is obvious, Soviet troops constantly counterattack, moreover, mainly at night. This makes it possible to recapture the positions left by the day. For the Red Army, the battles in Stalingrad were the first serious battles in the city. The emergence of special assault groups is also associated with the name of V.I. Chuikov. They were the first to suddenly burst into houses, and used underground communications to move. The Germans did not understand when and, most importantly, where to expect a counterattack. Later, this experience was useful to V.I. Chuikov in the capture of Berlin. No wonder he was called “General Assault“. In the most critical periods of the defense of Stalingrad, his troops not only survived in continuous battles, but also took an active part in the defeat of the German troops at the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad. The defense of Stalingrad lasted 180 days. For the unprecedented mass heroism and resilience of the personnel in April 1943, the 62nd Army received an honorary guards name and became known as the 8th Guards Army. V.I. Chuikov himself was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the defense of Stalingrad, but at the last moment the idea was changed, and he received the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree. At the head of the 8th Guards Army, V.I. Chuikov fought until the last day of the war. As part of the Southwestern, Southern, 1st Belorussian fronts, the 8th Guards Army successfully operated in the Izyum-Barvenkovo ​​and Donbass operations, in the battle for the Dnieper, Nikopol-Krivoy Rog, Bereznegovato-Snegirevskaya, Odessa, Belorussian operations and at the final stage - in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin offensive operations. The army commander was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the years of the Great Patriotic War - for outstanding successes in the liberation of the Right-Bank Ukraine and successes in the Vistula-Oder operation - for the assault and capture of Poznan. On May 4, 1970, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov was awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd“ by the decision of the Volgograd City Council of Working People’s Deputies for special services shown in the defense of the city and the defeat of German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. Marshal Chuikov died on March 18, 1982 in Moscow, but, according to his will, he was buried in Sorrow Square, which is located on the Mamayev Kurgan. Somewhat later, one of the streets of Volgograd was named after the commander of the 62nd Army. Some time later, a monument to the Marshal, made by his son Alexander Chuikov, appeared on the same street. The opening of the monument took place on the eve of the 45th anniversary of Victory Day. The place for the monument was not chosen by chance, because it was here, almost at the very water, that the headquarters of the 62nd Army was located. The words of V.I. Chuikova: “There is a city in vast Russia to which my heart was given ... It went down in history as Stalingrad.“ Of course, most of the monuments in one form or another were erected to Chuikov in Volgograd - this is the monument to Chuikov, the street named after him, the grave of the marshal on the Mamayev Kurgan. In many other cities of Russia there are streets and schools named after the marshal, monuments and busts of the commander have been erected. 苏联元帅纪念碑,两次苏联英雄,斯大林格勒战役期间第 62 集团军前指挥官,伏尔加格勒市的瓦西里·伊万诺维奇·崔科夫。 1990 年 5 月 7 日,在伏尔加格勒的瓦西里·崔科夫街,离斯大林格勒战役全景博物馆不远,一座纪念碑揭幕,纪念斯大林格勒战役期间苏联元帅、第 62 集团军司令员瓦西里·伊万诺维奇·崔科夫。 Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (
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