The chalkhill blue (Lysandra coridon) is a butterfly 粉筆藍 是一隻蝴蝶 चॉकहिल ब्लू (लिसेंड्रा कॉरिडोन) एक

The chalkhill blue (Lysandra coridon) is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. It is a small butterfly that can be found throughout the Palearctic realm, where it occurs primarily in grasslands rich in chalk. Males have a pale blue colour, while females are dark brown. Both have chequered fringes around their wings. Lysandra coridon has a wingspan of 30–36 millimetres (1.2–1.4 in). These small butterflies present a sexual dimorphism. The males having pale silvery-blue upperside of the wings with a submarginal line of grey spots on the hindwings and a thin brown and white chequered fringe. Females have dark brown upperside of wings, with marginal orange spots and also with chequered fringes. The underside of the wings show a light ochre colouration, several dark spots surrounded by white, a submarginal line of black marks, a series of marginal orange spots on the hindwings and a blue dusting near the body. As with many blue butterflies, separation from similar species in the field is on the underside markings. Aberrations are common. his species can be found in the Palearctic realm (western Europe, southern Europe, central Europe, Asia Minor, south Urals, and northwest Turan). The range of L. coridon occurs throughout Central Europe, and is endemic to Europe. There are a few exceptions to where it is located in Central Europe, it is not found in the countries of Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, the Iberian Peninsula (except in the northern provinces of Iberia), the Mediterranean islands (found in Corsica and Sardinia), and most of southern Italy. This particular species of butterfly has a preference for dry calcareous grasslands, at an elevation of 100–2,000 metres (330–6,560 ft) above sea level. This species also has a preference towards grasslands that have short grass with many flowering plants. L. coridon is a sedentary organism which means that they do not travel very far within their habitat range. These individuals have the tendency to stay within their habitat patch rather than perform long migrations to find new habitats. Note that information on this species applies to Great Britain and some details may not be consistent with the species in other parts of its range. This species only produces one generation per year making them a univoltine, which means that this species only breeds once per year and will only produce one set of offspring. L. coridon is monophagous, which means that they only feeds on one specific species of plant. The larvae or caterpillars of this species feed on the leaves of horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis comosa) upon which the larvae feed. When they are ready they pupate on the ground within the leaf litter of the host plants. The caterpillars are attend by several different ants of the genera Myrmica, Lasius, Formica, Plagiolepis, Tetramorium, Aphaenogaster and Tapinoma. This butterfly is usually seen on the wing from June to October. In the research into the effects of trophic interaction and fragmentation it was found that there are no known parasitoids that are specialized to this species, but there are other parasitoids that are related to other species that are part of the family Lycaenidae which will sometimes predate this species. It could be a viable option that the parasitoids that did predate upon this species became extinct due to the fragmentation of their habitat in the past. According to IUCN Red List for Threatened Species, this particular species is of Least Concern, and this is due to this species not having a significant decline in population in the last ten years, which would be a decline by 25% in the number of adults. Since this species is of Least Concern there are few conservation efforts being put forth. But in certain areas that have been having large decline or had large decline implemented conservation efforts. This species is considered by researchers to be an indicator species of calcareous grassland habitat quality and could also be a good model organism to help develop conservation programs for more At Risk species. 粉筆藍 (Lysandra coridon) 是灰蝶科的一隻蝴蝶。它是一種小蝴蝶,可以在整個古北地區找到,主要出現在富含白堊的草原中。雄性呈淡藍色,而雌性呈深棕色。兩者的翅膀周圍都有方格流蘇。 Lysandra coridon 的翼展為 30-36 毫米( 英寸)。這些小蝴蝶表現出兩性異形。雄性的翅膀上部呈淡銀藍色,後翅邊緣有一條灰色斑點,有細長的棕色和白色方格條紋。雌性翅膀上側有深棕色,邊緣有橙色斑點,也有方格條紋。翅膀的下側呈淺赭石色,幾個被白色包圍的黑點,一條副邊緣的黑色標記線,後翅上的一系列邊緣橙色斑點和身體附近的藍色灰塵。 與許多藍蝴蝶一樣,與田間相似物種的區別在於底部的標記。畸變很常見。 他的物種可以在古北界(西歐、南歐、中歐、小亞細亞、南烏拉爾和圖蘭西北部)找到。 L. coridon 分佈於整個中歐,是歐洲特有的。它位於中歐的地方有一些例外,在愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、斯堪的納維亞、荷蘭、伊比利亞半島(伊比利亞北部省份除外)、地中海島嶼(發現於科西嘉島和撒丁島)以及意大利南部的大部分地區。 這種特殊種類的蝴蝶偏愛海拔 100-2,000 米(330-6,560 英尺)的干燥石灰質草原。該物種也偏愛草地短草和許多開花植物。 L. coridon 是一種久坐不動的生物,這意味著它們不會在其棲息地範圍內移動很遠。這些個體傾向於留在他們的棲息地斑塊內,而不是進行長&a
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