Happy hippopotamus in the Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd 伏尔加格勒克拉斯诺阿尔梅斯基区的快乐河马 ヴォルゴグラードのクラスノアル
In the Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd, a small attraction has recently appeared, which is loved by many townspeople. Relatively recently, an entertainment center “Hippopo“ was built in the area, where a hippopotamus flaunts on the signboard next to the name, and it is not surprising that later a sculpture of a small hippopotamus appeared next to the building. It is about her that we will tell. A small hippopotamus appeared near the center in 2008, it became the symbol of “Hippopo“. The author of the sculpture is the famous Russian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. The hippopotamus itself is relatively small, 1.5 meters wide and 0.9 meters high. The sculpture was cast in bronze and weighs 700 kilograms.
Immediately after the opening, literally everyone fell in love with the hippopotamus, and he even had his own legend: “If you stroke his ears or nose and make a wish at the same time, then it will certainly come true.“ Of course, this is just a beautiful fairy tale, but despite this, over the years, the ears and nose of the hippopotamus have become golden. And all because everyone wants to believe in this fairy tale. The sculpture of a hippopotamus is located next to the building of the entertainment center “Hippopo“ in the Krasnoarmeisky district at 68 Heroes of Stalingrada Avenue. When entering the area it is difficult to miss it, the building is large and is located next to the main road.
在伏尔加格勒的克拉斯诺阿尔梅斯基区,最近出现了一个小景点,受到很多市民的喜爱。较近期,该地区建了一个娱乐中心“河马”,名字旁边的招牌上标榜着一只河马,后来在建筑物旁边出现了一个小河马的雕塑也就不足为奇了。我们要讲的是关于她的。 2008年,中心附近出现了一只小河马,成为“河马”的象征。雕塑的作者是俄罗斯著名雕塑家祖拉布·策列捷利。河马本身比较小,宽1.5米,高0.9米。这座雕塑是用青铜铸造的,重 700 公斤。
ヴォルゴグラードのクラスノアルメイスキー地区には、最近、多くの町民に愛されている小さなアトラクションが登場しました。比較的最近、名前の横の看板にカバが自慢するエンターテインメントセンター「カバ」が建てられ、後に小さなカバの彫刻が建物の隣に現れたのも当然です。私たちが話すのは彼女についてです。 2008年に中央付近に小さなカバが出現し、「カバ」のシンボルになりました。彫刻の作者は、有名なロシアの彫刻家ズラブ・ツェレテリです。カバ自体は比較的小さく、幅1.5メートル、高さ0.9メートルです。彫刻はブロンズで鋳造され、700キログラムの重さがあります。
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