The nightingale sits on a branch and whistles Le rossignol est assis sur e branche siffle

The thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia), also known as the sprosser, is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher, Muscicapidae. It, and similar small European species, are often called chats. It is a migratory insectivorous species breeding in forests in Europe and the Palearctic and overwintering in Africa. The distribution is more northerly than the very closely related common nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, which it closely resembles in appearance. It nests near the ground in dense undergrowth. The thrush nightingale is similar in size to the European robin. It is plain greyish-brown above and white and greyish-brown below. Its greyer tones, giving a cloudy appearance to the underside, and lack of the common nightingale’s obvious rufous tail side patches are the clearest plumage differences from that species. Sexes are similar. It has a similar but more powerful song than that of the nightingale. “Nightingale“ is derived from “night“, and the Old English galan, “to sing“. The genus name Luscinia is Latin for the common nightingale. An adult thrush nightingale is about 16 centimetres (6.3 in) long with a wingspan of approximately 18 centimetres (7.1 in). The head, nape and the whole of the upper parts of the thrush nightingale are dark brown with a slight olive tinge. The colour is much deeper than that of the nightingale and is not at all rufous. The upper tail-coverts are less olivaceous and the tail feathers are dark rufous-brown. The lores and ear-coverts are brownish-black and the chin and throat are pale buff or whitish, mottled with brown, and are paler in colour than the nightingale. The sides of the throat are spotted brown and the pale feathers of the breast have brown central bands giving the breast a mottled appearance. The under tail-coverts are buff, sometimes barred or marked with brown. The wing feathers and wing-coverts are dark brown and less rufous than the nightingale. The beak, legs and feet are brown and the irises are dark brown. The sexes are similar to each other in appearance and the juveniles are darker and more mottled. There is a single moult in July and August at the end of the breeding season. 畫眉夜鶯 (Luscinia luscinia),也被稱為 sprosser,是一種小型雀形目鳥類,以前被歸類為畫眉科 Turdidae 的成員,但現在更普遍地認為是舊世界捕蠅器,Muscicapidae。它和類似的歐洲小型物種通常被稱為聊天。 它是一種遷徙的食蟲物種,在歐洲和古北區的森林中繁殖並在非洲越冬。該分佈比密切相關的常見夜鶯 Luscinia megarhynchos 更偏北,它在外觀上非常相似。它在茂密的灌木叢中靠近地面築巢。 畫眉夜鶯的大小與歐洲知更鳥相似。它上面是普通的灰褐色,下面是白色和灰褐色。它的灰色色調,使下側看起來渾濁,並且沒有常見的夜鶯明顯的紅褐色尾側斑塊,這是與該物種最明顯的羽毛差異。性別相似。它有一首類似但比夜鶯更強大的歌曲。 “夜鶯”源自“夜晚”,古英語galan,“唱歌”。屬名 Luscinia 是普通夜鶯的拉丁語。 成年畫眉夜鶯長約 16 厘米(6.3 英寸),翼展約 18 厘米(7.1 英寸)。畫眉夜鶯的頭部、頸背和整個上部是深棕色的,帶有輕微的橄欖色。顏色比夜鶯深得多,一點也不紅。上尾覆羽橄欖色較少,尾羽呈深棕褐色。學識和耳覆羽呈棕黑色,下巴和喉嚨呈淡黃色或白色,帶有棕色斑點,顏色比夜鶯更淺。喉嚨兩側有褐色斑點,胸部蒼白的羽毛有棕色的中央帶,使胸部呈現出斑駁的外觀。下覆羽是淺黃色的,有時有條紋或帶有棕色標記。翅羽和覆羽呈深褐色,比夜鶯少紅褐色。喙、腿和腳是棕色的,虹膜是深棕色的。兩性外觀相似,幼體顏色較深,斑駁較多。在繁殖季節結束時的 7 月和 8 月有一次換羽。 ツグミナイチンゲール(Luscinia luscinia)は、スプロッサーとも呼ばれ、以前はツグミ科のツグミ科のメンバーとして分類されていた小さなスズメ目の鳥ですが、現在では、より一般的には旧世界のヒタキ科のヒタキ科と見なされています。それ、および同様の小さなヨーロッパの種は、しばしばチャットと呼ばれます。 それはヨーロッパの森林とアフリカの旧北区と越冬で繁殖する移動性の食虫
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