Miko made Shike Village look better But at What Cost 【Hololive Eng Sub】

Shike Village looks a lot like EN server styled area ◆Original Stream: 【 Minecraft 】また~りマイクラしちゃうか!記念碑をつくるにぇ~🏆【ホロライブ さくらみこ】 ◆Sakura Miko Channel: If you Like the video give it a thumbs up appreciate you guys! Subscribe for more videos. I’ll be uploading some animations in the future :)) You can submit clips that you want to be memed ehem... translated if you want here: DOVA-SYNDROME HP : youtube link: OUTRO MUSIC: #さくらみこ #ホロライブ切り抜き #ホロライブ #hololive #vtuber #VtuberEn #sakuramiko
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