Drone Footage Of The E-Waste Mega Dump of Agbogbloshie, Accra - Ghana - Rough Edit

The horror of the Agbogbloshie Electronic Waste in Acrra seen from above! If you’re in the USA or in Europe and wondering where you’re electronics are ending up after dropping them off at a “green“ recycling center ... I have the answer for you, it’s probably here at the Agbogbloshie E-Waste dump! Are your electronics are being recycled here, yes but maybe not in the way you would expect. Your computer will get gutted, and metals are being extracted by burning them. Which makes this area of Accra, Ghana the third toxic spot in the world. And there is also no doubt that your data is extracted as well and being used, in case you haven’t wiped your drives several times before “recycling“ them. We will be publishing another video about it soon here on our channel and write about the E-Waste Mega Dump of Agbogbloshie, Accra on our Ghana Tavel Blog: Used this drone to record this video:
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