They’re Now Using Frequencies & Sound to Attack People’s Hearts?

Q&A Chapters : 00:00 Wear your SMC logo proudly amongst people and other gatherings 01:06 If a person is subjected to constant humiliation, is it because we are still a strong ‘one’, and does the humiliation start diminishing as we move towards being ‘zero’? 07:56 If we have a dream about someone else that is beautiful, should we tell them or not? 12:14 Can we defend this way or better to keep silent? 17:26 Why are those who mentally torture others so happy in their lives? 21:00 Is going to sleep similar to a portal? And when demonic portals open on dunya (material world), what will be seen? 25:02 What’s the importance of reciting “Allahu, Allah Hay, Allah Hayyul ya Qayyum“ seven times? 26:06 Can we use instruments to elevate our floor to go up? 31:09 what can we do when we try to lead by example by pressing the elevator up but a large part of the family is always pressing the elevator down? The children seem to be so affected by the surrounding. How do we shield
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