Ancient Civilizations had Electricity? Pyramids Functioned as Power Plants?

Deleted & Forgotten History. Much of what we know today is false or deception, as the true history of Earth has largely been forgotten or deleted. For example many of the Prophets were dark-skinned, not what Hollywood projects in movies and tv. 00:00 Miracles of the Naqshbandi Grand Mawlid 04:01 Is feeling helpless normal in tariqah (spiritual path)? 05:12 When Sayyidina Musa (as) returned from the Divine fire, was he embraced by his community or were they agitated by the fire that was now in him? 07:40 I recently reviewed the video of the levels of the heart. When the struggle intensifies and we feel weak, keeping failing, does it stop us from moving forward and back to step one? 11:50 Are the Seven Sleepers related to the seven names that govern us. Were the seven one? 12:50 Does the West Coast have higher demonic activities than the rest of North America? 14:29 I’m confused about the reality of Sayyidina Musa (as) being very dark skinned and how his nation today isn
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