Natural Wisdom: Learn from Dogs, Birds, and Ants

Video Chapters : 00:00 All prophets represented a reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ 01:29 Anything granted from Allah’s (AJ) Kingdom must be coming from its king 03:52 Secret Societies seeking the Kingdom of Solomon have been fooled by satan 05:07 The heavenly path requires good character. The lack thereof proves it’s not connected to heavens 07:52 False lamps adorned nicely but lacking heavenly connection can’t illuminate humanity 08:29 We’re sent onto earth to become a lamp which illuminates others 10:47 Adorn yourself with the sunnah and do good deeds so Allah (AJ) plugs you in 13:24 Allah (AJ) can dress with Hadith Qudsi and send infinite light into the hearts of those plugged-in 14:33 Other religions mistook people for gods because of this dress of Hadith Qudsi 15:55 This is satan’s abode. Last thing he wants is mankind coming here and reaching their potential 16:55 The reality and power of the Star of Solomon 17:25 We have more powers than the animal kingdom
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