In Life Slow Down & Follow the Glitches or Signs You’re Meant to See
Video Chapters :
00:00 Safar is a dress upon Prophet ﷺ
01:02 Safar opens up Surah Kahf, which teaches the etiquettes/manners of accompanying the awliya (saints)
04:02 The relevancy in our time of the Companions fleeing tyrancy to the cave of safety
05:39 How to seek refuge in the cave of safety with Prophet ﷺ from the accursed devil
09:25 Love and focus on Prophet ﷺ more than yourself and Allah (AJ) will focus on you
11:33 Manners are dear to Prophet ﷺ and the foundation of gaining his admiration and love
12:18 Serve and accompany Prophet ﷺ through the awliya with good manners
13:13 The majority learn book knowledge and become arrogant, but the elite attain a rahmah (mercy) and Allah (AJ) teaches them
14:27 Surah 18 (Al-Kahf) verse 60 is the academia set by Allah (AJ) – ‘attain a rahmah and then We taught him’
15:44 Prophet ﷺ is the greatest symbol of and the rahmah of Allah (AJ)
17:06 Prophet ﷺ must first sign off because the k