1 Domestic work is work! (1/6)

These 6 web-documentaries about different aspects of the DWs’ campaigns for rights in Europe, Latin America and Asia have been produced as one of the final outcomes of the research project “DomEQUAL: A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Global Inequalities” coordinated by Sabrina Marchetti at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). The web documentaries are based on online video-interviews with activists and researchers conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic (autumn-winter 2020-2021). Director: Caterina Sartori Director assistant: Beatrice Gusmano Script/concept: Sabrina Marchetti, Beatrice Gusmano, Daniela Cherubini and Giulia Garofalo Geymonat Music: domestic workers’ collective Territorio doméstico (Spain) Photo collection: Vincenza Perilli Subtitles: Beatrice Gusmano, Alice Buonaguidi and Marta Scoccimarro Domestic work activists interviewed: · Claribed Palacios, Unión de Trabajadoras Afrocolombianas del Servicio Doméstico (UTRASD), Colombia; · Maximina Salazar, Asociación de Trab
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