Divine Energy Portal | Sacred Drum Meditation Music | Shamanic Sound Journey

Relax and let go of your everyday thoughts, this is a time for your imagination to run free. For the most immersive experience, listen through headphones with your eyes closed. Sound can take you on a journey into another realm of consciousness. The concept of cosmic order, also known as “Maat“ in Egyptian mythology, represents the fundamental principle of balance and stability in the cosmos. It encompasses the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected, and every action has consequences. The ancient Egyptians believed that upholding Maat was essential for a prosperous and harmonious existence. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the concept of Maat goes beyond just being a goddess; one of the most well-known aspects of Maat is the “Weighing of the Heart“ ceremony that took place in the afterlife. According to Egyptian beliefs, after death, a person’s heart (symbolizing their conscience and actions) was weighed against the feather of Maat (symbolizing truth and cosmic order). The god Thoth, who was associated with wisdom, recorded the results of this judgment. If a person’s heart was found to be as light as the feather of Maat, it signified that they had lived a life in accordance with truth, morality, and cosmic order. As a result, they would be granted entry into the afterlife. However, if the heart was heavy with wrongdoing and negative deeds, it indicated a lack of alignment with Maat’s principles, and the soul might face consequences. This concept reflects the profound Egyptian belief in the importance of living a just and balanced life, not only for the present but also for the journey into the afterlife. The “Weighing of the Heart“ ceremony emphasizes the interconnectedness of actions, truth, and cosmic order, underlining the eternal significance of maintaining harmony within oneself and with the universe. Let the rhythmic drum beats and calming melodies guide you towards inner balance and alignment with the rhythm of the universe. Embrace truth and seek harmony within yourself and the world around you. Let the ancient wisdom of Maat guide you on this transformative journey. Enjoy ☺️ Check out our playlists and dive deeper: Prepare for Drift Off - sleep meditation music and sound healing Lofi sleep tracks, ambient soundscapes, flute meditation music, and singing bowl sleep music to guide you into a state of total relaxation. The Shaman’s Cave - ceremonial drumming tracks and sound journeys Didgeridoo and flute music, tribal ambient downtempo tracks and shamanic meditation music to help transport you to other realms. Forest Sound Baths - nature meditation music and 432hz energy healing instruments Nature sounds, relaxing birdsong, and high vibration instruments like the Koshi chimes, Daiva, Tibetan singing bowls, to ground and rejuvenate your subtle energy body. #shamanicdrumming #handpan #meditationmusic
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