猫 カラス狩り Strong Mother Cat catching a crow

I’m very sorry if this video made someone felt sick. The cat wasn’t domestic, but I knew she-cat was raising six kittens at that time. I didn’t save the crow, but also not help the mother cat with her hunting. Seven cats shared and completely ate it without any leftovers. They did not waste the crow’s life. But all of six kittens were eaten by natural enemies such as foxes in turn. I believed the foxes did also not waste kittens’ lives. I cannot see the whole nature. Even if I see a narrow part of the nature, I should not intervene the nature providence with human emotional measure. 4th Sep 2015 Karuizawa town Nagano Pref. Japan 家の近くに出没した野良猫♀。年齢不詳 右前足に一生傷を負っていて、歩くときは常にスキップ୸
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