Running in the 90s (Initial D) - Medieval Style with Latin Choir

The text of this canticle hath been adapted from the Latin Requiem Mass by Brother John. Sister Alison joineth him in the choir stalls whilst thine truly blasteth upon sackbuts, plunketh catgut, honketh racketts, and so forth. Instruments used (multi-track recording by me): Suona (chinese oboe similar to medieval shawm) Trombones Classical guitar Church organ (synth organ melodica) Several straws taped together with double reed cut into one end (sounds like a medieval rackett) Plastic bottles (drums) Shaker Small cymbals Lyrics (adapted from the Dies Irae and the Requiem Introit): Dies iræ Dies iræ, dies illa Solvet sæclum Solvet sæclum in favilla Dies iræ Dies iræ, dies illa Teste David Teste David cum Sibylla Quantus tremor Quantus tremor est futurus Quando Judex est venturus discussurus Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Huic ergo parce, Deus
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