**NEW** TAKOM TIGER 1 (late) 1/35 - Full inbox and build review - SO MANY OPTIONS!
I’ve never considered myself a tiger guy, but when I saw the announcement that Takom were releasing 3 x Tigers I was a little excited. I’d built tigers in smaller scales but never in my preferred scale of 1/35. I loved every part of the Hetzer Takom release last year and if that was anything to go by then it would be the perfect opportunity to build my first 35th scale Tiger 1.
By now You’ve probably all seen the images of the beautifully rendered and moulded parts in these kits. The level of detail and the natural looking organic shapes in the Zimmerit look absolutely stunning. The kits come with link and length tracks that look lovely, even if the guide horns come as separate parts. They also come with a small amount of etch as well as a metal barrel.
But inbox reviews and studio generated pictures can never truly tell you what the model is like, so today I am going to take you through the build phase of this kit. I’m going to try and highlight some of the optional parts and share the informat
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