I AM EARTH READ ALOUD by Rebecca and James McDonald

I Am Earth is available at : Hello Everyone! This is Mrs. Rebecca. Today I’m going to read a book that my husband and I created called I Am Earth, but first I would like to say ‘Thank you very much’ to all of the people working so hard to take care of each other and our very precious planet. Earth is a very special planet that we get to call home. If you were standing on the Moon looking at Earth, you would see a beautiful blue and white globe surrounded by the blackness of space. People are really lucky to have such an amazing place to live and grow. Next time you’re outside look around at all of the growing plants, the blue sky and maybe even a puffy white cloud or two. See if you notice any animals scurrying about or birds gliding across the sky. You might even see a fuzzy bee zip by. Earth has everything we need to grow and flourish. Let’s take care of our amazing planet, because everyday is Earth Day! :)
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