Hugo - The Evil Mirror (UK vs US)

1:46 skips to US dub As you can see, Hugo - The Evil Mirror (Hugo - Det Afskyelige Spejl) was also released in North America (but only for PS1) and surprisingly in 2005, in same year with Agent Hugo [PS2, PC], three years later from European release (and PS1’s estimated extinction) and about five years from PS2 coming out, ensuring its position as the last PS1 game ever existed. Seemingly, in a look of several reviews in YouTube, this game didn’t get as good reputation in US as it got in Europe (mostly because of levels repeating themselves). Notice that while the game was made in Denmark, it’s done with UK dialogue. For the US version, the game has been fully redubbed. Personally, I like US dub more than UK version. It just has better voices and pronouncing. What’s your opinion? Also, could someone please upload the rest of US version’s cutscenes (or at least submit me their audio, so I can mix them with PC-version’s visuals, like I did for this one)? I could brin
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