Riley Lee shakuhachi 尺八 flute Bush Clover and the Moon with Mike Ryan on flugelhorn. Unique ambient

Bush Clover and the Moon was Riley Lee’s first of dozens of recordings made after moving from Hawai’i to Sydney Australia. Created in 1989 with fellow Sydney University PhD student Mike Ryan (now living in Brazil). This 30 year-old recording was ground-breaking at the time and sort of remains so. The unique sounds, frequently enhanced by electronics, may not be everyone’s cuppa, but the hypnotic quality for which Riley is known for, can be heard from the start. The combination of shakuhachi and flugelhorn in any case, does work. This was certainly first, and might remain the only recording that features duets between these two mellow instruments. Put this video on, turn down the volume, and let its transcendental ambience embrace you. Bush Clover and the Moon was only released on cassette. Thus no single tracks, though there are distinct pieces. The following are the titles and their lengths in minutes and seconds: 1 Invitation 5:03 2 Arctic Winds 11:45 3 Desert 11:5
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