Googoosh - Man Omadeam - Гугуш - Ман Омадаям

man amade am, vay vay --- I’ve come, woe woe man amade am --- I’ve come ke eshgh faryad konad --- that the love shouts out man amade am --- I’ve come ke naz bonyad konad --- that the coquetry makes a foundation man amade am --- I’ve come man amade am --- I’ve come ke eshgh faryad konad --- that the love shouts out man amade am --- I’ve come ke naz bonyad konad --- that the coquetry makes a foundation man amade am, vay --- I’ve come, woe ey delbare man, elahy sad sale shavi --- o my sweetheart, may you live for 100 years ey delbare man, elahy sad sale shavi --- o my sweetheart, may you live for 100 years dar pahloye ma neshaste, hamsaye shavi --- you sat at my side, may you be my neighbour hamsaye shavi, ke dast be ma saye koni --- may you be my neighbour, so that your hand gives me shade shayad ke nasibe mane bichare shavi --- maybe you will be my destiny man amade am, vay vay --- I’ve come, woe woe man amade am --- I’ve come ke eshgh faryad konad --- that the love shouts out man amade am --- I’ve come ke naz bonyad konad --- that the coquetry makes a foundation man amade am, vay --- I’ve come, woe eshgh amad o kheyme zad be sahraye delam --- love came and pitched a tent in the field of my heart eshgh amad o kheyme zad be sahraye delam --- love came and pitched a tent in the field of my heart zanjire vafa fekande dar paye delam --- love threw its faithful chain at my heart’s feet eshgh agar be faryade dele ma naresad --- if love doesn’t respond to the yells of my heart ey vay delam --- oh my heart, woe vay delam, vay delam --- oh my heart, oh my heart man amade am --- I’ve come man amade am --- I’ve come ke eshgh faryad konad --- that the love shouts out man amade am --- I’ve come ke naz bonyad konad --- that the coquetry makes a foundation man amade am, vay --- I’ve come, woe biya ke beravim az in velayat man o to --- c
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