Activists lay dead dolphins outside French parliament

(2 Feb 2021) Activists spread four dead dolphins on the cobblestones outside France’s parliament Tuesday to urge safer fishing industry practices to protect dolphins from deadly encounters with fishing nets. The four dolphins were found washed up on Atlantic beaches in the Vendee region Monday, according to Sea Shepherd. The activists have long urged the French government to limit the amount of time fishing vessels can fish in certain zones, and require cameras on fishing vessels to make sure they are employing humane methods. France has ordered acoustic deterrents on some fishing boats to scare dolphins away from their catch, but activists say that’s not enough. A bill is working its way through French parliament aimed at reducing animal abuse. But it does not include the farming and fishing industries because authors wanted to focus on more straightforward – and less controversial – issues such as circus animals. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: https://t
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