DROPS Crochet Tutorial: How to crochet a star stitch pattern

In this DROPS video we crochet a star stitch pattern and you start by chaining an uneven number of chain sts. You need a minimum of 7 ch for 1 star, 9 ch makes 2 stars, 11 ch makes 3 stars and so on. On our sample we ch 13 for 4 stars. Row 1 (RS): pick up 5 sts starting in 2nd ch from hook = 6 sts on hook, make a yo and pull through all 6 sts, ch 1 which creates a hole on top of the 6 sts, *pick up 1 st in the hole, 1 st in the side of the last st of 6 sts, 1 st in the same ch as the last st of 6 sts was piкрасивый узор спицами
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