A. Scriabin Prometheus or the Poem of Fire - Prométhée ou le Poème du feu op. 60 (Boulez)

Another marvellous piece by the russian composer Alexander Scriabin (1872 - 1915): Prometheus or the Poem of Fire op. 60 for piano, chorus, large orchestra and “luce“, sort of color organ which was supposed to create the synaestetical effects wished by the composer. Wikipedia about the color organ: “The part for color organ is notated on a staff of its own, in treble clef at the top of the score, and consists of two parts: one changes with the harmony, and always goes to the root note of the prevailing harmony, and thus produces the color Scriabin associated with each key; the other consists of much longer notes sustained through many bars, and does not appear to be related to the harmony (or therefore to the first part), but for the most part slowly rises up the scale a whole-tone at a time, the changes being several pages of score apart, or a minute or two apart. It is not clear what relationship this part has to the first part, or to the music as a whole. The score does not explain how two different colors are to be presented at the same time during a performance. This color organ part also contains three parts briefly at one point in the score. Sources differ on what Scriabin’s intentions were for the realization of the color organ part: many state that the colors were meant to be shown on a screen in front of the audience; but others say that the colors were intended to flood the entire concert hall and that showing them on a screen was merely the compromise adopted after flooding the concert hall was found impossible or impracticable. The score itself contains no indications about how this is meant to be handled.“ Francisco de Goya: El Coloso William Turner: The Burning of the Houses of Parliament Joan Miro: Cipher and Constellations in love with a woman Vassili Kandinsky: La tache rouge Vassili Kandinsly: Sketch for Composition VII William Turner: View with Volcano in Mid-distance Prometheus (don’t remember the artist, if anyone knows, please let me know!) Salvador Dali: Enfant géopolitique observant la naissance de l’Homme Nouveau Gustav Klimt: Beethoven-Frieze (detail) Vassili Kandinsky: The last Judgement Salvador Dali: La métamorphose de Narcisse Vassili Kandinsky: Don’t remember the name of the picture, help is welcome Henri Matisse: Nu bleu Gustav Klimt: Hygieia (detail from Medizin) Salvador Dali: Jaune d’oeuf Soleil.
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