[English Sub] La Favorita (My Fav, La Furstenberg) - Amita Hachidori & Scholl Song by Michel Corrette

Amita Hachidori wrote the Japanese lyrics to “La Favorita (La Furstenberg)“, a 17th century French baroque music composed by Michel Corrette, and Scholl arranged the song in any way he wanted, and Amita Hachidori added hand-drawn animation to the music video. La Favorita (My Fav, La Furstenberg) Compose:Michel Corrette Lyrics & Vocal:Amita Hachidori Guitar, Arranging, Recording, Mix:Scholl English translation:Jewedol Maristine Mastering:Amita Hachidori & Scholl Animation drawing, Video editing:Amita Hachidori Editing Software:OBS、Adobe Premiere Recording Studio:Studio Amita Music DL(...bandcamp) Lyrics LINE Sticker YouTube Channel Join us!! Amita Hachidori (vocal, j
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