【東方 Touhou Vocal】Sieudiver - Blue Beauty (Feat. 0P2C)

Download for free on Bandcamp: I’m so proud of this song. When I finished the arrangement it was nice. But I wasn’t very inspired to find a vocal melody so I asked 0P2C if she could make one. I usually like to do things myself as much as possible, however leaving the melody to her was probably the greatest thing that could happen. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love this melody, especially in the verses. Then Amen did an amazing job on the lyrics as well. Thanks to the translation Kafka wrote afterwards, I could grasp their meaning even more. The message I feel they carry is really important. And is always good to be reminded of. Title : Blue Beauty Arrange : Sieudiver Vocals: 0P2C () Lyrics: Amen () English Translation: Kafka Fuura () Album : “Fearless Desire“ Original title
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