963 Hz SPIRITUAL RESET | Heal The Past ✧ Manifest Self Healing & Love Meditation
Welcome, Beloved Soul. We present this 963 Hz healing meditation for self-healing, spiritual connection, and peace of mind. While listening release all resentment, pain, and judgment and come home to the present moment full of love, gratitude, and forgiveness.
Read more about 936Hz below. This content was created to assist you to connect to your higher mind & Self. It can be used for meditation, prayer, sleep, or any healing rituals.
While listening, come home to your breath and heart.
Be here now. In your body, and in your heart.
Inhale love.
Exhale all negativity and tensions in the body.
Visualize a clear white light, shining from above and into your open and receptive crown chakra. Let this clear white light fill up your whole body.
Breathe in Loving Divine energy.
Feel how your heart opens up to the remembrance of connection and unconditional Love.
Feel how universal life force flows to you and through you with every breath you take.
Feel your power. Feel your love.
Affirmations used in