Heart Chakra Meditation - 512 Hz - Balance and Heal the Heart Chakra - Meditation Music
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Magnetic Minds:
This session contains Powerful Frequencies which will unlock and open the Heart Chakra. This is one of the most difficult Chakras to activate because It’s only after you can discard most life issues from the Solar Plexus (Seat of Life Force Energy, Psychic Baggage, ect) that you can even bring this online. It’s like a mirror that literally will not allow any other frequency rather than its own to pass through. This means it’s almost impossible to bind / move your consc
...iousness to this area obscurely or in-authentically.
Once the Heart is online, many great things start to happen, including much more positive energy and an easier life. Things seem to take on a magical quality that couldn’t further be experienced without this issue. Also, this is the doorway to the Higher Chakras.
The following frequencies are contained in this video:
512 Hz
Pure Tone
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