Python Course :- Tuples , Lists , Dictionaries and Sets Part-2

Hello Guys, this a Python Course in which we discuss the ’Python Data Types or Python Data Structure’ which analogy to : - o List functions – 1  len()  max()  min() o List methods – 1  Dir()  Insert methods • append() • insert()  Deletion methods • remove() • pop()  count()  index()  copy()  sort()  reverse()  sum()  extend()  clear() • Dictionaries:- o What is Dictionaries? – 2 & 3  {}  Creating a dictionary  Features o Dictionaries in Action - 2  Dictionary Operation – 2 & 3 • Accessing the values of dictionary • Deleting item from dictionary • Updating and adding in dictionary • Adding item to dictionary  Changing Lists in Place - 2 o Di
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