Индийским Друзьям - To Indian Friends / भारतीय दोस्तों के लिए (Indo-Soviet Friendship Song)
During the Cold War, India was a close ally and longtime friend of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union provided military and economic support to India and, in return, India provided diplomatic support, even being the only non-socialist state to recognize the People’s Republic of Kampuchea instead of the US-backed Khmer Rouge. The two nations signed the Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in 1971 which gave both nations a feeling of security and only reinforced the dedication to their friendship. Even the space programs of the the two nations frequently worked together, with the Soviet Union launching Indian satellites and taking the first Indian to space through the Interkosmos Program.
Performer: Choir and Orchestra of Yuri Silantiev (Хор и Оркестр Юрия Силантьева)
Year Recorded: 1956
Composer: Azon Fattakh (Азон Фаттах)
Lyricists: Akhmed Erikeev (Ахмед Ерикеев), Yakov Kozlovsky (Яков Козловский)
Source: SovMusic
Image: Soviet poster “Indians and Russians are Brothers!“ (Индийцы и Русские — Братья! , हिंदी रूसी भाई—भाई!)
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3 weeks ago 00:06:25 1
Показываю, как готовлю ГРЕЧКУ ПО-ИНДИЙСКИ! Вкусный, сытный ужин за 20 минут!
2 months ago 00:49:40 1
Ментал. Психосист. Моделир-е (МПМ) Объединён.Энергосист. (ОЭС) Индия, Алеппи. Мир Универсологии