[WPE PRO] Темная скорбь и Грань Тьмы для WOW [ENG/RUS]

ENG: [WPE PRO] Getting Dark Edge of Darkness and sorrow for the WOW 0:00 - 0:10. To begin to get the “Edge of Darkness“ - you need to activate the filter: Offset 15 l 16 SEARCH 53 61 MODIFY A7 60 Next, go to the mob in the ICC Highlord Darion Mograine and take the quest “The reunification of Mograine“ When the filter. Click finish and get the “Face of Darkness.“ - !View from 0:11 - 0:27! - 0:29 - 0:39. The filter does not turn off, take the quest “Soul Feast“ and then open the
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