Спиральная лестница из лего (Lego Spiral Staircase)

A creative spiral staircase that is easy to assemble. Although the staircase is in red, it can be assembled in any color and can be expanded to any height you choose. The current height for this tutorial is six (6) bricks high. II am not affiliated with Lego nor the Lego Group. The 54 pieces are listed below: 1 - 16 x 16 Grey Plate (4620130) 8 1 x 1 Red Round Plate (614121) 9 - 1 x 2 Red Flat Tiles (306921) 9 - 2 x 2 Red Plate (306821) 9 - 1 x 2 Red Plate (302321) 9 - 2 x 4 Red Plate (302021) 1 - 2 x 2 Bla
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