Some More Fast Talking...

...and the return of grindhouse barbie!!! haha DO read all of the comments on all my videos (some of y’all are not sooo nice) but for those of you who are (and I LOVE YOU) I decided to put up what y’all want to seee more of!!!! I don’t have a HUGE youtube following - but for what I got, my most popular videos are the quentin tarantino ones (GHB FOREVER) and my attempt at the world record (papers have been just got to be brave and go for it - perhaps stop being lazy as well, lol) but yeah that one was well “liked“ or whatever........ THIS IS MY FIRST FAST TALKING VIDEO (JANUARY 2010) so here we go again - TYING THE TWO a little marriage!!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!! and please please please let me know what you think - and SUBSCRIBE!!! did y’all know I never knew about the subscripti
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