Walter & Larissa | Ice box - Omarion | Brazilian Zouk

Do you know what is the most sensitive act that exists in a dance partnership? It is the ability to listen to one another. We are practicing on a daily basis the art of listening, not only from what is verbalize, but listening through our eyes, through the touch and mainly what our bodies have to say in the form of a dance. Every day is a new discovery, as if, day after day, another piece of the ice box that surrounded us melted, bringing shape and revealing the essence of what was, until then, indecipherable to our eyes. ______________________________________________________________________ Sabe qual é a ato mais sensível que existe dentro de uma parceria de dança? É a capacidade de escutar o outro. Estamos praticando diariamente a arte da escuta, não só do que vêm de forma verbal, mas a escuta através do olhar, do toque e principalmente do que nossos corpos têm para falar em forma de dança. Todo dia e&#
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