Татуировка волос/SMP/Трихопигментация

Кейс Евгения смотри на сайте Трихопигментация.рф 🔥Видео на русском языке. Полезная и интересная информация о татуировке волос для будущих, одобренных-счастливых клиентов. P.S. Версия 2 части по 15 мин. Полная версия 40 мин смотрите на You Tube канал Андрея Афанасьева 🔥 Part 2. Video in Russian. Useful and interesting information about hair tattooing for future, approved-happy customers. P.S. Version 2 parts of 15 min. Full version 40 min watch on You Tube Andrey Afanasyev’s channel 🔥 Briefly: the client has already been served for 2 years, says that the master Afanasev Andrey is one of the best not only in Russia but also in the West and Europe for the quality of work. I am also very happy to wear smp from the master and is worried that the master Afanasev Andrey did not go abroad. Also about the fact that hair transplantation and a wig is not his topic 😂, says how important it is to find a specialist, how to prepare for the scalpmicropigmentation step and much more .....
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