The Gregorian Calendar vs. Julian Calendar (Why Russians Celebrate Christmas in January)

Many Russians celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas on January 7th — two weeks after Americans (and most of the world) celebrate Christmas on December 25th. This makes no sense to most Americans, like how Chinese people celebrate New Years in February. But these things happen for a reason: Russians celebrate Christmas according to the 2,000-year old Julian Calendar, while Chinese New Year is based on the 2,500-year old lunar calendar. We celebrate these ANCIENT traditions using ANCIENT calendars like the heathens we are! For conducting everyday, non-barbarian business, we use the modern Gregorian calendar like the other civilized folk. In this video, I’ll cover Gregorian calendar history, Julian calendar history, and a bit about the Roman calendar that was replaced by Julius Caesar. I’ll show you the differences between Julian and Gregorian calendars, and explain how these two calendars cause Russians to celebrate Christmas in January 7. Or in my case, as a Russian-American: to celebrate Ame
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