Why is more and more gold being mined? - GIG-OS

The price of gold has a steady upward trend. This trend has become especially pronounced in recent years. Among the reasons, experts name the pandemic, the geopolitical situation and inflation. All these circumstances encourage people to choose investment gold as a tool for ensuring Financial Security. Governments are also actively purchasing the precious metal. Growing demand has caused an increase in the volume of gold production in the world: according to the World Gold Council, for 2023, this figure was 3,644 tons. In the new episode of “Gold News” you will learn: – which country has the largest natural reserves of gold; – how much precious metal is in the depths of Australia; – which states increased gold production volumes in 2023. Happy viewing! #gigos #gold #videoaboutgold #goldmining #economics #GIGOSTV #news #China #Australia #Russia #USA #Canada #me #emanuelebauco #frosinone #lazio #italia #mondo #univero #money I put the link here to find out more about the GIG-OS
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