Michael Jackson is INNOCENT! #boycottsundance2019 - #leavemjalone - #notguiltyonallcounts

THE APPEAL OF THE ESTATE TO THE FAN OF MJ Following the news on the infamous documentary “Leaving Neverland“ which - we remind you - will be screened premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 25th, Michael Jackson’s Estate has released this release in which, in addition to promising that will do what the it is possible to counter the documentary, invites us to email the Sundance Film Festival, HBO, the English Channel 4 and the director Dan Reed. “This is just another occasion in which Michael’s legacy is attacked by people who have the sole purpose of acquiring a minimum of visibility and financial benefits. It is a pathetic attempt. Like all of you, we also want to silence every single offensive story, every documentary and book, every ignoble accusation. [...] We will continue to do everything in our power as executors of the Estate. And even fans should. Make yourself heard at the Sundance Film Festival organization, director Dan Reed, HBO and Channel 4
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