WATCH: Chinese Space Station’s secret feature no one’s talking about

The Chinese Space Station is equipped with a rather unknown feature no one seems to be paying attention to. It’s the Robotic Arm installed at the back of Tianhe that can perform multiple complex tasks. It will play an important role in performing tasks on Tiangong space station. The arm will be used to capture incoming spacecraft docking with Tianhe, to move the payloads and support astronauts during spacewalks. The 10-metre-long arm attached to the core module of the Tiangong space station is capable of lifting objects weighing 25 metric tons. The giant robotic arm has sparked concerns in the U.S. over its possible military application such as ‘grappling other satellites.’ Chinese engineers have outfitted the Tianhe core module with five docking ports, apart from the robotic arm and internal racks for experimentation. Tianhe solar panels will be moved with the help of a robotic arm. The arm is self-relocatable and can reach many parts of the Tianhe module through an inchworm-like movement. The crewed
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