For what and how much does a party responsible for an oil spill pay in the US and in Russia?
This video will inform you how the liability of a party at fault for an oil spill works in the US and in Russia and about the difference in approaches to oil spills in US and Russian legislation. You will also find out what a party at fault is responsible for and who specifically will be responsible for an oil spill in the US and in Russia. Our expert will provide detailed information about who finances the elimination of an oil spill in the US and in Russia, who receives compensation for harm caused by an oil spill, how to calculate the amount of losses in the event of an oil spill and about many other issues.
Natalya Stenina – Head of Pepeliaev Group’s Environmental Group
00:00 - how liability of a party at fault for an oil spill works in the US and in Russia
0:55 - an overview of US legislation regarding oil spills
2:25 - an overview of Russian legislation regarding oil spills
2:52 - what a party at fault for an oil spill is responsible for in the US and in Russia
4:19 - the responsible parties for an oil spill in the US and in Russia
4:55 - how a party at fault for an oil spill can avoid liability
7:15 - who finances the elimination of an oil spill in the US and in Russia
9:07 - drawbacks if a party at fault for an oil spill eliminates the spill at its own expense
9:29 - how the amount of losses is calculated in the event of an oil spill in the US and in Russia (calculating the amount of damages in the event of an oil spill)
14:17 - the collision of the vessel Monarch and the oil rig Granite Point
17:00 - the spill of diesel fuel in Norilsk (NORNICKEL)
17:36 - competent authorities (who receive compensation for harm caused by an oil spill)
17:55 - the case involving DeepWater Horizon in 2010
18:55 - the procedure for compensating harm in the event of an oil spill (analysis, plan for restoring natural resources)
22:43 - developments in the regulation of liability for an oil spill in the US and in Russia
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