The secret behind FrankenPHP: Will it revolutionize PHP?

How to use FrankenPHP to ship your PHP/Laravel application, in a way that’s potentially revolutionary and definitely pretty magical. FrankenPHP is a PHP application server, written in Golang. It’s a module for the Caddy web server. Behind the scenes, Franken acts as a PHP SAPI (the thing that site between your web server and your PHP application). It manages handling PHP processes that result from web requests, using thread-safe PHP (zts) and some custom C-thread pooling logic to handle lots of concurrent requests. The truly magical part of FrankenPHP is how it can package your application up into a portable binary that can be run just about anywhere. This could change how we deploy PHP apps. 00:00 Intro 00:10 What is FrankenPHP 02:26 Using FrankenPHP 4:00 Packaging up Your App! 7:37 Running your Packaged App 9:19 FrankenPHP Magic 11:33 Downsides of FrankenPHP?
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