Ovadia Yosef: “The role of the Gentiles - to serve the Jews during the messiah“
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: “The role of the Gentiles - to serve the Jews during the messiah“
First publication: six weeks after the death wished to Abu Mazen and the Palestinians, comes the turn of the Gentiles. “They have no place in the world, just to serve the people of Israel“, said the weekly sermon. He said that during the messiah the Jews will have eternal life gentiles - longevity “to work among the Jews“
Gentile servants of the Jews, milking cows on kibbutzim, the messiah will die and eternal life - so these starred last sermon of Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, details of which were published this evening (Sunday) the first time in the news 10. Homily dealt with the laws of the Milkman - nations committed for Jews various crafts observant sacred day of rest, without which it is unclear how one could get by in the modern world, Rabbi revealed in his words the “true role“ of the Gentiles, according to the teachings.
“The gentiles had not only to serve us, serve us. If not, they have no place in the world. Just to serve the people of Israel, Ovadia Yosef clarified.
He referred to the foreign workers in agriculture and said: “Gentiles were not coming, especially farms and kibbutzim. There are many religious kibbutzim, yes? Not come to the Gentiles. Do not want to come - damn name. If a nation - well. Here, it Aahlov. If there is no nation - What to do? died all the nations what to do? “
According to Rabbi, during the messiah the Jews non-Jews to eternal life will have lasting only for expediency. “Israel does not control where the angel of death to the world and in nations that would be like everyone else - have to die, but will give them longevity. Why is that? Think, in his grave if he dies - will lose the money. It’s his job - as well lose it. So let Longevity has a good work in this Jew. “
Only six weeks ago provoked a storm Achsahatabta Rabbi Ovadia harsh words for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas - just a few days before the opening of direct talks. “You were our enemies our enemies, Abu Mazen and all these villains, lost from the world,“ said the rabbi. “Beat them God is the scourge of anything. “