Fatal Fury 2 Combo Video (Sega Genesis / Mega Drive)

Had a ton of fun making this one, though I’m sure I’ve said that a lot by now when it comes to combo videos. In any case, I’m gonna explain certain aspects of this video. I won’t go over every single thing since I’m gonna mention them in the current guide I’m making (plus I don’t wanna type a whole essay). Q: Since when did Terry have Triple Geyser in Fatal Fury 2 SG/MD? A: It’s a locked move that requires a rather difficult cheat code. You have to start the game and hold the MODE button on both controllers. Once the TAKARA logo appears, press →←↙↓↘→← C on the SECOND controller with both MODE buttons still held. If done correctly, you’ll hear Mai laugh. This will also enable a combo counter above the health bars. I found out about this thanks to the video below. I recommend you check it out since it includes a pastebin that goes over the cheats and shows the hidden moves and their motions. These moves will only work with the cheat code active and at low health. Geyser Wave: →↘↓↙← 3D Attack (half circle back C) Jubei’s Exploding Senbei: ←↙↓↘→ 3D Attack (half circle forward C) Cheng’s Bakurai Hou (Straight): ←↙↓↘→ 3D Attack (half circle forward C) Mai also gets a new move with the cheat code active. However, it only works in single lane stages (such as Spain / Great Britain) Mai Spin Kick: Mash 3D Attack Q: How you’d get the extra colors and juggle combos? A: Done by performing a well known cheat. When the TAKARA logo appears, press ↓↙←↙→ Y (or quarter circle back, half circle forward Y). If done correctly, you’ll hear Terry say “GEYSER“. Go to the options, go to test, and you’ll see a bunch of numbers. The bottom row will say 01110000. Change it to 00010000. This will allow you to hit opponents as they rise and descend while flying back from a knockdown. To select extra colors, Hold B and press Start with B still held. Now use the D-Pad to cycle through the 48 color palettes and let go of B to select the color. Q: How difficult are these combos? A: Very hard. It’s not quite the motions themselves, but rather how situational some of these combos are. Distance, standing vs. crouching, character specific, etc. Some are rather easy (like Cheng’s infinite), but Krauser was the hardest due to him being able to cancel normal attacks with his counter (which leads to some ridiculous combos with enough practice). Q: How do dizzies work? A: Stun goes up as you take damage, but even if you reach max stun, you won’t be dizzy until you get knocked down. Mai has 14 points, Krauser, Axel, and Bear has 20, and everyone else has 17. Also, it’s incredibly easy to shake out of dizzy in under a second. The first combo would not work unless I do the Geyser Wave sooner than in the video. AMAZING! You actually read this far! Thanks a bunch and I hope you enjoyed the video!
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